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Plants Care

Some Steps


Choose Plants Based on Light in your Space

The​ available light in your space will help you decide. Most houseplants prefer bright, indirect sunlight.You don’t want to overexpose or underexpose any plant.


Less (Water) Is More

It’s better to under water your plants than to overwater. Too much water can lead to root rot. Ditch your water schedule and water your plant only when it needs it. Check the soil first to make sure it’s dry at least 2 inches deep below the surface. If your soil looks dark in color, feels moist, and sticks to your finger, your plant has enough water to do its thing for now.

Plants need less water in the winter, when they’re growing slower, the days are shorter and sunlight is less intense. If the heat is on and the soil is drying quicker, they may need a bit more water.  Pour water directly on the soil around the base of the plant, because plants absorb water from their roots.


Raise the Humidity Levels

Most plants, ferns and orchids prefer high humidity and bright to moderate, indirect light. Mist these plants in between watering’s with filtered water. During the dry months of winter, grouping similar plants together helps to create a more humid microclimate.


Let it Flow

When you move your plant to a new, larger planter, whether it’s terra cotta, ceramic, or fiber glass, make sure it has drainage, a fancy word for “hole at the bottom”. This will prevent overwatering as any excess water will have a place to flow.


Smaller Plants Are the Fastest Growing Plants

When buying your chosen plant, it’s always better to purchase a smaller plant over a larger one. This is because a smaller plant will be able to get more established in its home and have a larger ratio of roots to top growth.


Prune Your Plants

Getting rid of old-growth on your plants will help your plants grow again. This is kind of like how trimming the dead ends of your hair will help your hair grow again. After winter is when you’ll see some of the tips or leaves of your plant dying, so a simple plant haircut will do!


Don’t Repot Your Plants by Pulling Them!

Pulling a plant out will not only ruin the stems, leaves, and blossoms but will also tear roots. Damaged roots need to heal before they can fully take in nutrients, so pulling your plant out of its pot is never a good plan.

Repot only when the plant is root bound.


Try to Replicate Your Plant’s Native Habitat

This includes the type of soil you buy, humidity, temperature, water and sunlight. Researching your plant’s native habitat will help you discover the climate and terrain your plant prefers. Adapting this to the way you care for your plant will be beneficial for your plant’s longevity. 


Keep an Eye Out for Yellow or Droopy Leaves

Asking an expert will certainly lead you to the correct fertilizer for each plant because depending on the terrain your plant has come from, the plant will require a certain fertilizer to heal back to full health. Along with fertilizer, you can stir up some homemade plant food that your plant will most definitely thank you for.


Dust Your Plants!

Plants that collect too much dust on their leaves can’t get the sunlight they may need to survive, especially green plants and plants with big leaves. A few times per year, use a wet cloth and lightly wipe down the leaves of your plants on both sides. 

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